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God positions open! Post in the Gods board to apply to play a God!
Aurora is played by mystique!
Aqueous, Terrene and Afflatus are still open. Look in the God's Trial thread to apply for them.


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No New Posts News

All news will be displayed here.

1 1 November 2010 News
by mystique
Oct 28, 2010 13:47:14 GMT 8
No New Posts Rules

This where you will find the rules to the site. Please read them before you sign up.

1 1 Rules
by mystique
Oct 31, 2010 16:31:31 GMT 8
No New Posts General Board

You can talk about anything here.

Moderator: mystique

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No New Posts Absences

If you are going away, post it here.

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No New Posts Claims

To claim a terra, please post here with the name of the terra, the king and/or queen's names, and information about any sub-boards you would like.

1 2 Claim
by mystique
Nov 17, 2010 14:30:15 GMT 8
No New Posts Plots

Come here to plot with other members.

1 1 Main Plot
by mystique
Nov 16, 2010 14:31:39 GMT 8
No New Posts Advertising

Place your advertisements here.

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Want to affiliate with us? Post here, and we'll do our thing.

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The Characters

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No New Posts Species

All the accepted species will be stored here.

Sub-board: Canon Characters

3 4 Gods Trial
by mystique
Oct 31, 2010 17:57:26 GMT 8
No New Posts Submissions

All character submissions must be placed here before they are accepted.

Sub-board: Accepted

1 1 Character Form
by mystique
Nov 7, 2010 8:27:17 GMT 8
No New Posts Adoptions

Have a character you don't want anymore? Worked hard on a picture or description, but don't want to use it anymore? Put it here so that someone else can use it.

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No New Posts Archives

All old threads can be found here. PM an administrator if you would like a thread moved.

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Common Grounds

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No New Posts Stormy Flats

This is where most newcomers to the lands come to decide their alliance, or to find the love of their life.
It is a large, slightly hilly area devoid of any plant life except for the small shrubs and sparse grass that grows in places. Many storms sweep through here year-round, so it is best to leave quickly.

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No New Posts Flowering Plains

A beautiful plain dotted with clumps of trees, this place holds something for everyone. Streams flow through the long grasses, the air is fresh and always warm, and the ground is carpeted in flowers of all colours. The only strange thing is the way the ground sound hollow beneath your feet...

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No New Posts Breeding Grounds

These are beautiful lands, filled with trees and long, waving grass. You can come here to breed.

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No New Posts Freecia Valley

A small, well hidden valley surrounded by cliffs. There is always only a small breeze here, and there are many caves and tiny clearings in the trees that are provide private places for a mare to have her foal. These are the foaling grounds.

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No New Posts Warcry Plateau

Above the marshlands, sits a sandy, barren plateau, where stallions and mares come to battle. No plants grow here, there is no water source, and it is often blistering hot, making this a place where few want to stay for too long.

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No New Posts Exiled Marsh

A wet, boggy place where you cannot find an inch of solid land. Tall reeds grow along the sunken river, from the days when the marsh wasn't here. This is the place where banished mares and stallions are sent.

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No New Posts Death River

A deep, dark river that wind through thick woods. The woods are said to be haunted, but only the old and weary come here, to pass out of this life and into the next.

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Flowing Water

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No New Posts Frozen Lands

This is a wide landscape made entirely from the frozen water of a lake. At night, strange and wonderful lights colour the sky in a beautiful display of light.
Aqueous lives in this land, in a large ice cave right in the centre. She regularly calls one of her followers here to give them a quest.
Queen: Aqueous the Water Goddess

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No New Posts Frostbite Gap

Frostbite Gap is the gateway to the other Water territories. Snow falls here constantly, and only a little melts during summer. To get to food and water, horses must dig through the snow and break the ice.
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No New Posts Freedom Beach

A lovely white beach that stretches towards the common grounds. Huge cliffs surround the beach, littering it with huge fallen rocks that the waves crash against at high tide. The only food source is a small, grassy flat at the top of the cliffs, if you can find the path that leads up there.
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No New Posts Hidden Lake

A lovely, lush land that is mostly taken up by the huge lake. Not many know the way into these lands, for it is well hidden, and anyone who would want to claim them would have to search hard.
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No New Posts Estrame Falls

Large grassy meadows dotted with trees and streams make up most of the lands. At one end, a waterfall rushes down, filling the lands with its sound. This waterfall hides the entrance to a secret cavern, where water trickles down the walls and waters the strange multicoloured plants on the ground.
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Strong Earth

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No New Posts The Castle Ruins

At the top of a large, stony mountain, lie the ruins of a huge castle. Terrene resides here almost all the time, and hosts many battles in among the large grey blocks.
King: Terrene
Queen: None

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No New Posts Castaway Mountains

A huge, brown mountain range that was once ranged by the castaway colts and fillies of the earth herds. Each leader of these lands has let the young ones run here for a time, and hopefully the next one will as well.
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No New Posts Bloodlust Caves

Many entrances lead into these deep underground passageways, all of them leading to a large cavern, where grass grows and water trickles through, headed furthur underground. But watch out for stalgamites and stalactites, these are not called the Bloodlust Caves for nothing.
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No New Posts Mystical Forest

A vast, towering forest of huge oak trees and sweet grass to nibble on. The Death River runs through the terra, providing a source of water for all who live there.
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No New Posts Harakia Rainforest

A thick rainforest, filled with all kinds of strange creatures and plants. A river rages through here, and edible plants grow in abundance-you just have to know what they are.
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Fierce Fire

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No New Posts Burning Caves

Aurora has claimed this place for her own. It is filled with large caves and rocky outcrops, and there are always fires burning in one part or another.
King: None
Queen: Aurora

1 1 A Gift of Fire
by mystique
Nov 7, 2010 8:43:38 GMT 8
No New Posts Volcano Meadows

These meadows are beautiful and lush, sloping upwards. They are situated on the slopes of several volcanoes, which can erupt every now and then.
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No New Posts Catacomb Canyon

Sheer cliffs drop into this canyon, where everything looks rather red. Even the winding stream has a tint of red to its water. The cliffs are riddled with winding tunnels where many have been lost, and the air is always sweltering.
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No New Posts Burning Desert

This place is a burning hot desert. Only the toughest of horses could live here, where the only living thing is the tough grass that covers some of the sand dunes. A very small oasis can be found in the middle of the terra.
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No New Posts Silver-gum Forest

Tough, dry grass grows beneath these gnarled old trees, which have been ravaged by many fires. Their dead branches and trunks have been polished to a shiny silver by the wind.
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Melodic Air

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No New Posts Eagle's Perch

A high, rocky outcrop that is on the edge of the terras of the air element, this is where Afflatus dwells, when he's not wandering the terras. The wind always blows through here.
King: Afflatus
Queen: None

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No New Posts Windy Plateaus

Situated above the Catacomb Canyon, this is where the wind howls on wild nights, and where the calls of lone horses whip through the air. Long, windblown grass and twisted trees grow here, watered by the stream that rushes over the edge of the cliff into the canyon.
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No New Posts Whispering Gap

The place where two mountains are pressed together so close that they almost touch. When the wind blows, you can hear the whispers of long ago, making this a place that many try to avoid, despite the lush grasses and raging waterfall.
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No New Posts Avantie's Hollow

Long grass waves gently in the breeze, and a stream disappears mysteriously under the ground. The ground sound hollow as hooves thunder along the top, though no one knows why...
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No New Posts Whistling Stones

A rather dry place filled with trees and shrubs, which provide food for all who live here. Every now and then, you will come across a large stone, riddled with holes that emmit a high-pitched whistling when the wind is strong enough. There are many of these stones spread around everywhere.
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